Monday, May 31, 2010

Be not separated from the love of God

This is a touchy subject, because there are so many times in life when things and people will attempt to come between you and the love of God. When you will find yourself putting things or people before God.

Romans 8:35 says who shall separate us from Christ's love? Shall suffering, affliction and tribulation. What about calamity and distress? Persecution or hunger or destruction or peril or sword. We should never allow things to separate us from the love of Christ. But follow the example of Christ.

This scripture states that we should not let people separate us from the love of God, How? You may ask yourself,  but if you spend more time with a person than you do with the Lord this is one way to put someone before God, which separates you from the Lord.

Shall suffering, affliction  or tribulation, calamity, distress, persecution, hunger, destruction, peril or the sword. How? You may ask again but when we suffer afflictions and tribulations, many times we  forget about God and we put our minds on our problems instead of putting God first and trusting that he will bring us out.

This scripture states that we should never allow these things to separate us from the love of Christ.

When we allow people and things to separate us from God we are separated from our healer, deliverer, provider, mind regulator, and the only one who loves us unconditionally for who we are.

Whatever we do we should always remember to put God first and not to allow anyone or anything to come in between us and the love of God. God loves and cares for you. He desires to have a close relationship with us. It is our duty as his children to honor him by putting him first, and as we put him first he will bless us.
The bible says that if we seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness everything else will be added unto us.



  1. In this rush, rush world we live in, this noisy reality, it’s difficult to set any time aside for just having a conversation with a higher consciousness. But there’s always time to do the things of this world that dictates “me” first such as sleeping, let’s say. One must sleep and there’s no getting around this important health need. So what in the world is it that I’m saying? I’m saying, in this demanding on-slot in scheduled and non-scheduled must do’s, which we all have in life, we can always take the moment to say, “God, I love you.” Try it! When drifting off too sleep or running out the front door, in your home, too keep an appointed time with someone. Because what you’ll soon discover is an ever-increasing and more peaceful schedule for your life, your friends, and whatever else that makes up your reality. And don’t be discouraged when failing to remember to spend this time with God, because the important thing is too keep at it. Sometimes it takes us a while, so be patient with your self, because God is. I know this from my own experience in life and then wrote about it in Mommy’s Writings. (In The Holy Bible: Romans 15:4.)

    Suzanne McMillen-Fallon, Published Author, would you like a sandwich?

  2. Hello Suzanne, thanks for your uplifting and encouraging words.
