There is a saying out here in the world. Are you a leader or a follower? Most of the time I would have to say it is good to be a leader but there are times when we are/should be led.
Jesus Christ the Messiah (Yahshua Hamashiac) says in Matthew 16:24 ...."If any man will come after me , let him deny himself, and take up his cross and follow me."
My thought is this, If we plan to follow any one's footsteps, this is the one we should follow. Yahshua walked and lived without sin, he loved us so that he gave his life for those who despised, rejected and hated him. He gave his life that we who truly don't deserve it can be saved and one day see eternal life. We have to deny ourselves, take up our cross or rather endure hardships and suffering and follow Yahshua's example if we want to see eternity and sit at the feet of Yahshua.
So what do you think Is this a good reason to follow another. I say yes, being lead by Yahshua is loads better than being led by satan. Yahshua leads us to salvation, peace, joy, love, and victory among so many other things. Satan leads us to eternal damnation, confusion, defeat, hate, sadness, pain and so much more.
Being led by the spirit is better than being led by the flesh. The spirit leads us to life everlasting and the attributes of Yahweh and the flesh leads us to death and the attributes of satan.
So, when I say who is leading you I'm really asking you who do you choose to follow. I know who I choose, I choose Yahshua, life, and eternity, and I choose to allow Yahshua to lead me all the day's of my life.
I agree Priscilla, Jesus should always be our life mentor.